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You’ve read all the latest fad diet books and articles. You have seen the celebrity success stories day and night, but you want your OWN success story. You want to live it, not read about it on some tabloid magazine cover. You want to fit in clothes you’re proud to wear. You want significant weight loss, and you want it sooner rather than later. But how?

We know that hope in a bottle will not work (and deep down so do you).

The basic facts get lost among the hype of trendy surgery options, workout DVD’s and magic potions and pills… Being overweight is not from a lack of willpower or control, but it is a serious, chronic medical risk to your health and happiness. The AMA now regards obesity as a disease. Your weight is a vital part of your overall health, and unlike overall health, it can be measured on the scale.

If you are overweight, you are not alone. Almost seventy percent of Americans are overweight or obese. Ninety percent of new diabetes cases are related to excess weight. High blood pressure, sleep apnea and even some forms of cancer are also considered to be weight-related. Despite reductions in heart disease deaths, excess weight threatens to shorten life expectancies for us and our children. What can be done?

Bariatric surgery can work, but it is expensive and not everyone qualifies or is willing to commit to the life-long dietary restrictions it requires. Diet and exercise programs can work, but years of experience and research demonstrate that few people are successful in the long run without training, supervision and some form of long-term support. Plus, face it – if it takes too long to see results, we lose interest and quit.

In an analysis of the Look AHEAD study of weight loss for diabetics the average percentage of weight loss was more than double (4.7%) the percentage of the control group (2.1%), but a quarter of those treated intensively lost more than 14%, and about a third kept 16% off for the eight years the study spanned. What did the most successful dieters do?

Those with the greatest success used the greatest number of high-protein meal replacements to cut calories and achieve ideal nutrition… plus they exercised more than 150 minutes per week (we now believe the ideal number is 240 minutes weekly)… and they stayed accountable through group and one-on-one follow-up visits for education and troubleshooting.

Hi-protein meal replacement diets are the most effective way to achieve safe, rapid weight loss.


High-protein meal replacement diets can achieve 15-25%, even 35% weight losses over 6 months with careful attention to lifestyle, exercise and planning for the future. We have seen thousands of our patients achieve this level of weight reduction. Medical supervision is necessary to adjust medications as patients slim down. Typically, blood pressure lowering meds are reduced, as are medications for diabetes (lowering medications is always a worthwhile goal).

Finally, losing weight is great, but finding it again is all too easy! The strategies and techniques you use to achieve weight loss must be extended to your weight maintenance plan. This is yet another good reason to get involved in a medically supervised weight loss program that can help you not only lose weight, but also support you in your lifelong weight management plan.

Get serious by getting started in a clinical program that can help you achieve the success you need to secure your health, a thinner waistline and a healthier heart. If you need guidance on where to find such help, contact us.[/fusion_text][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]